Air‑to-air energy exchangers can recycle up to 85% of the energy from conditioned building exhaust, or high temperature exhaust from industrial processes. Exhaust recovery ventilation utilizes energy from the exhaust air stream to precondition the outside air being introduced into the building. In the winter it provides free heating and in the summer free cooling.
Applying air-to-air energy recovery can help achieve a higher LEED® status, meet the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1, and save significantly on operating cost with a quick payback. Choose from stand-alone heat exchanges or pre-engineered, yet customizable modular units that incorporate heat recovery, humidity control, and other air treatment options.

The most recent improvement on energy reduction for desiccant wheel (rotor) systems is the Munters PowerPurge™. With this patented technology, energy reductions up to 30% on bigger size systems are possible.
And in some cases a smaller dehumidifier with PowerPurge™ can do the same job as a bigger unit. An effective way to lower your investment cost.
The Munters Quantum™ desiccant wheel (rotor) is a development of the “traditional” rotor.
- Energy saving unique and the special desiccant can stand very high reactivation temperatures
- Designed for all drying and cooling processes where a high ΔX is required
- Effectively eliminates the need of pre-cooling, reducing energy consumption
- Utilizes waste heat for reactivation
- Dry and hygienic environment due to no condensate in the system and certified bactericidal and fungicidal rotor properties
The advantages are simple: less investment cost, less energy cost and no condensate causing hygienic problems.